Change of Address/Alternative Transportation for Current Students 2025-2026

Student Information


Student's Previous Address

Change in Guardianship

Parent/Guardian ID

(does not have to be State ID, may be expired)

Electronic Signature

The electronic signature and all of its related fields replaces a handwritten signature on paper and is legally binding.

I affirm that the information provided is true, correct and complete, to the best of my knowledge and belief. This electronic signature and its related fields are treated like a handwritten signature on a paper form.

I understand that Illinois law has made it a crime, punishable by imprisonment and fine, to knowingly or willfully present any false information regarding the residency of a student for purposes of enabling that student to attend on a tuition-free basis or to knowingly enroll or attempt to enroll a student on a tuition-free basis when the student is known to be a non- resident of the district. Accordingly, I aver that the information I have provided in the 'Residency Verification' section is true and correct. I understand that, under provisions of the Illinois School Code, 105 ILCS 5/10-20.12b, (e), and (f), the District is required to collect tuition from a person who misrepresents his or her residence for the purpose of school attendance is guilty of a Class C misdemeanor and that the District is required to collect tuition from any such person. I hereby authorize my landlord to provide the District a copy of my lease or rental agreement to verify my address.

Parent/Guardian Signature
