Application 2025-2026

Lottery Application

Libertas Academy Charter School is a free and public charter school and currently accepting applications for students entering grades 6-10 for the upcoming 2024-25 school year. The school will grow to eventually serve students grades 6-12. Located at 146 Chestnut Street, Springfield, MA, Libertas Academy Charter School is open to all students in Massachusetts.

Libertas Academy Charter School provides specialized services to students with academic and behavioral exceptionalities as well as students for whom English is not their first language.

Any student who meets the following two criteria are eligible to apply:

  1.  The student is a resident of Massachusetts. (Note: Preference will be given to students residing in Springfield and to siblings of current students.)
  2. The student must have successfully completed the previous grade to be admitted into the grade s/he is applying for at LACS.

Students are randomly selected by lottery. Names not chosen to fill open seats will be placed in order on a waitlist and families will be contacted should a seat become available.
