Application 2025-2026

Lottery Application

Student Information


Home/Residential Information


where the student resides


District of Residence

How did you hear about us?

Applicant Information

Enrolled Siblings

Applying Siblings

Type 'none' if not applicable

Characters Remaining: 3000

Contact Information

Please provide the parents/legal guardians to be contacted for the student.

Parent/Legal Guardian 1

Emergency Contact
Has custody
Can pick up student
Lives with student
Resides at student's main home address?

Parent/Legal Guardian 1 Contact Information


Preferred phone number?


Preferred phone number?


Preferred phone number?

Additional Parent/Guardian

Would you like to add another parent/guardian?

Parent/Legal Guardian Signature

School treats the following signature like a signature on a paper form.

I verify the above information to be correct, and I understand that completion of this form does not guarantee placement in a school. I further understand that I cannot register my child without appropriate address documentation and that only one application can be submitted per child.

I understand that a child admitted under false information is illegally enrolled and could result in disenrollment upon discovery. I further understand that it is my responsibility as the Parent/Legal Guardian to immediately inform the district of any changes to the information provided.

type name of Parent/Legal Guardian


Submission Confirmation Email

Please enter an email address below if you wish to receive a submission confirmation email.
